Friday, January 23, 2009

Whites need not apply

I guess it’s official now – I have lost all hope for the future of America: it is obvious that white people are no longer welcome here now that we have a black president. Obama and his minions exposed their divisiveness and belied their promises of unity and hope. See the video from the inauguration yesterday here: I knew that these people were flaming racist fascist socialists, but I didn’t think their ideologies would be so flagrant in the inauguration bacchanal – I had expected that they would ease their way into their party line. I assume that this means that they don’t need or want my tax dollars, because I’m guilty of being white and can see no solution to my transgression.

But wait, there's more: this administration just keeps getting better and better – at this rate we’ll only have to tolerate them for four (very long) years – this great and Obama-nable farce keeps rolling along, stream roller-ing everyone who is not a minority. I was shocked and appalled, but not surprised, to hear Obama’s chief economic advisor say out loud and for the CSPAN cameras (see: that he doesn’t want skilled, white, male construction workers building any of the bridges or power lines in Obama’s infrastructure stimulus plan – he wants those projects to be built only by the unskilled, chronically unemployed. Boy, that’s what I want – to drive my family across bridges built by people who never wanted to work a day in their lives. I hope they label them clearly so we can make an informed decision before driving our car across them. At least this is likely to stimulate the ferry industry in our county – we’ll have to hire some ferry experts from Bangladesh, where they also don’t have bridges. Bangladesh also doesn’t have electricity for large spans of time each day – something else to which we can look forward – I’m glad I had a few years living in Bangladesh to get used to that, because that’s our future.

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